Claims Ireland

The Independent Service that Assesses Compensation Claims

Just what the doctor ordered

Should a Doctor apologise if they have made a mistake?

Guidance On Home Insurance Claims

No-one wants to have to claim on their home insurance - it means that something must have gone badly wrong.

Have You Had A Septic Tank Claim Turned Down?

Most people don't even realise that, often, the costs of resolving septic tank problems or soakaway problems are covered by standard buildings insurance policies.

The Most Common Home Insurance Claims

Problems with pipes and plumbing are the biggest headaches for Irish households, topping the list of the most common things to claim for on home insurance policies.

Advice On Storm Damage Claims

The chaos and clear-up after a storm can cause nightmares for homeowners, be it from flooding to serious property damage or even just a few tiles falling from the roof.

Why is it morally acceptable to pursue a personal injury claim?

Whether it’s a car accident, slip-and-fall incident, or freak injury that happens as the result of someone else’s negligence, you may find yourself in a situation where you have the option of filing a personal injury claim.

Unfair Dismissal Claim Information Guide

One of your main rights as a worker in Ireland is that you can’t be fired without good reason.

Drink Driving Car Accident Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

Claims Ireland has provided a full guide which covers all you need to know about drink driving and the process of claiming compensation for your injuries.

Guidance on Oil Spill Claims

If you have suffered an oil spillage and are claiming against your household insurers, it is essential that you know your full entitlements under your policy. Insurers appoint Loss Adjusters to report on the loss.

Claims Ireland: Personal Injury Calculator

General Guidelines as to the amounts that may be awarded or assessed in Personal Injury Claims

Work Injury Claims in Ireland

All employers have a responsibility to keep their workers safe from injury, including temporary staff. If their negligence led to you or someone you know having an accident and being injured at work, then you are entitled to claim compensation.

Issuing legal proceedings of behalf of a child in the Injuries Board

It is possible for a person to initiate legal proceedings on a child/minor’s behalf

How banks have been shafting customers on tracker mortgages

Banks have been doling out apologies after it was discovered that the bank failed to ensure its tracker mortgage customers were paying interest at the low rates to which they were entitled.

When you get it in the neck

Flight Delay Compensation

Electrocution Injuries

Tilting at windmills not within PIAB job specifications

On Tuesday 26 March, Patricia Byron, CEO of the Injuries Board, gave an interview on RTÉ’s flagship news programme, Morning Ireland

Personal injury compensation Northern Ireland

Best Procedure for Undergoing Horse Riding Injury Claims

The risk of suffering from horse riding accident injury and the compensation claims that can be done without the involvement of expensive lawyer & solicitors.

No Win No Fee in Ireland

“No win, no fee” (sometimes described as “no foal, no fee”) is the way most accident claims or medical negligence claims in Ireland are taken.

PIAB Process

This grid is designed so that the action of the different parties in the PIAB process can be considered side by side.

Witness Statements

Supervision in Schools

Much has been written about the issue of supervision in schools A school has a duty to exercise the care that a parent would in the circumstances.

Guidelines on Countering Bullying (September 1993)

Control of Vibration at Work Regulations

The Regulations deal with vibration arising from the use of hand tools and other machinery.

The Role of the Claims Investigator

The Claims Investigator may be an in-house appointment or may be hired on a contract basis for individual claims. The role has grown from that of a Claims Inspector who typically worked with an Insurance Company.

The Role of the Loss Adjuster

We are often asked about the role of a Loss Adjuster. It is a Role that does not exist in some countries and is not well known by the public.

Defamation, Libel and Slander

We set out on this page a brief summary on the important terms used in dealing with cases in this category:

Delays in Litigation

O'Brien v PIAB [2005]

Sixteen Golden Rules/Hatton Principles

Four Separate Appeals were heard together and reported on under Sutherland v Hatton [2002] EWCA Civ 76 (05 February 2002). The appeals were linked only by subject matter.

Equality Legislation

Many countries have now introduced new types of legislation under which awards can be made. In Ireland, one of those areas is discrimination.

/Libel/Slander in Shops

Those dealing with people on a daily basis have an obligation to take reasonable care in their approaches to members of the public and not to accuse anyone in the wrong.

Medical Experts

All about medical experts in personal injury cases

Seismic Shift

The counselling had been going so well. The PIAB-traumatic stress disorder was under control, and there hadn’t been the need to write an Injuries Board-related article in over a year.

Pain in the neck?

Is whiplash really a simple muscular injury.

Statute of Limitations

The Statute of Limitations is the time limit within which an injured party can issue proceedings.

Injuries to Children and Minors

The procedure for a compensation claim by a minor is that proceedings are in fact issued in the name of his or her parent or guardian who acts as his or her ‘next friend’.

Contributory Negligence

The cause of any kind of accident is not always clear and contributory negligence may be very important.

Compensation Claim Valuation

This is one of the most common questions asked by clients of their solicitors in relation to personal injury claims.

PIAB - Do you need a Solicitor anymore?

In the current climate, where the Personal Injuries Assessment Board advises that Claimants do not need a solicitor, the reality suggests that perhaps the Board should advise the Claimant that, now more than ever before, they do need a solicitor.

Compensation Culture

The current perception is that Ireland has a burgeoning compensation culture fuelled by people in their masses lodging both genuine and not so genuine claims.

Judicial Separation in Ireland

When a couple in Ireland cannot agree the terms by which they will live separately, an application to the courts for a Decree of Judicial Separation can be made by either party.

2006 Construction Regulations are Introduced

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2006 (SI 504/06) were signed into law 28 September 2006 and will come into effect on 6 November 2006.

Join Our Panel

Since 2001, we have built up a great panel of solicitors, loss assessors and other experts in assisting with compensation claims, and now we’re looking to expand that panel. Our experts always aims to get members of the public the maximum compensation they deserve for incidents they have been involved in.

Are you interested in joining our panel?

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